A visit from Yan Yongjun, Vice President of China Overseas Development Association and the Chairman of Shaanxi International Corporation

Tuesday October 25, 2022

October 25, 2022

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On 20 October, Yan Yongjun, Vice President of China Overseas Development Association and the Chairman of Shaanxi International had an important meeting with ACEC Association. The discussed agendas included international talent training and cooperation between industry, academia and research. During the meeting, the two parties also discussed the RCEP regional cooperation in international joint training of high-level talent and cooperation in establishing international bases. Along with the continuous development of the “Belt and Road Initiative” in the RCEP region, the two parties will work together to develop a wider range of international cooperation in industry, academia and research.

Under the guidance and direction of the China National Development and Reform Commission, China Overseas Development Association is responsible for the in-depth implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, providing services for Chinese enterprises to "go abroad" for investment and development. The association acts as a bridge and link, organizing and coordinating enterprises to realize overseas investment, preventing risks, and improving quality and efficiency. At present, the “China Foreign Investment Cooperation Symposium”, founded by the Association, is the only international conference serving foreign investment business in China. Since 2009, each symposium has been attended by representatives from more than 100 countries and thousands of enterprises and has become an essential platform for promoting the “Belt and Road Initiative”, as well as for enterprises to obtain information on overseas investment projects.


10月20日,中国产业海外发展协会副会长、陕西省国际信托股份有限公司董事长闫永军与ACEC协会进行了重要会谈。讨论的议程包括国际人才培训和产学研合作。会议期间,双方还讨论了RCEP区域合作中的国际高层次人才联合培养和合作建立国际基地的问题。随着 "一带一路 "倡议在RCEP区域的不断发展,双方将共同开展更广泛的国际产学研合作。

在中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会的指导和带领下,中国产业海外发展协会负责深入落实 "一带一路 "倡议,为中国企业 "出国"投资发展提供服务。协会发挥桥梁和纽带作用,组织和协调企业实现海外投资,防范风险,提高质量和效益。目前,协会创办的 "中国对外投资合作洽谈会 "是中国唯一为外商投资业务服务的国际会议。自2009年以来,每届研讨会都有来自100多个国家的代表和数千家企业参加,已成为推动 "一带一路 "倡议的重要平台,也是企业获取海外投资项目信息的重要途径。

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China visited Brazil and witnessed the signing of the investment cooperation document between President Zhang Guobao and the Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.