UiTM Sarawak To Hold The 1st International Conference On Design For Sustainable Living (ICDeSL) 2021

Friday November 26, 2021

admin November 26, 2021

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UiTM Sarawak To Hold The 1st International Conference On Design For Sustainable Living (ICDeSL) 2021

KOTA SAMARAHAN, 4 OCTOBER 2021: The organizer, UiTM Sarawak of the 1st International Conference on Design for Sustainable Living (ICDeSL) 2021 had invited the Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Sarawak, YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, to be the Conference Patron and to be the guest of event to officiate the opening ceremony at 11 am on 14 December 2021. ICDeSL 2021 will be held at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK), Kuching, from 14th to 15th of December 2021. During the courtesy visit, YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah was delighted that UiTM Sarawak Branch is organizing international conferences and events to promote tourism. He believed that this event is timely to attract foreign tourists when the travel restriction is lifted later.

2021年第一届可持续生活设计国际会议(ICDeSL)的主办方砂拉越玛拉工艺大学(UiTM)邀请沙捞越旅游、艺术、文化、青年和体育部长YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah担任会议赞助人,并作为活动嘉宾在2021年12月14日上午11点主持开幕式。ICDeSL 2021将于2021年12月14日至15日在古晋婆罗洲会展中心(BCCK)举行。在礼节性访问中,YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah很高兴UiTM砂拉越分部组织国际会议和活动来促进旅游业。他认为这个活动很及时,可以在以后取消旅游限制的时候吸引外国游客。


This conference aims to provide an avenue for academicians, non-academicians, practitioners of government and private agencies in Sarawak to foster and transform their thoughts, ideas and researches into output with potential commercial value to help in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery process for the natural science, engineering and technology, education, humanities and social science-related industries. “The sharing of thoughts, ideas and researches are expected to embrace a sustainable and resilient growth pathway for the Sarawak economy”, expressed by YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah. In addition, the objective of this conference is aligned with the UiTM 2025 strategies thrust, as illustrated by Vice Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi MARA, Professor Ts. Dr. Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor, which UiTM aims at becoming a Globally Renowned University.

The international conference is divided into 4 tracks: A) Natural Science, B) Engineering and Technology, C) Humanities and Social Science, and D) Educational Innovation. These tracks are among the several megatrends that will help shape the state’s digitalized economy to build more efficient and live-able urban environments. According to Conference advisor cum Rector of UiTM Sarawak, Prof Dato Dr. Jamil Haji Hamali, the main objective of this conference is for local and international participants from both academia and industries to present their authoritative knowledge and the most up-to-date research findings related to the scientific and societal approaches in combating disease outbreaks.

本次会议旨在为沙捞越州的学术界、非学术界人士、政府和私人机构的从业人员提供一个渠道,促进他们的思想、想法和研究转化为具有潜在商业价值的产出,以帮助自然科学、工程和技术、教育、人文和社会科学相关行业的2019冠状病毒病的恢复过程。YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah表示:"思想、观点和研究的分享有望为沙捞越经济带来可持续和有弹性的增长途径。”此外,本次会议的目标与UiTM 2025战略的主旨相一致,正如UiTM副校长Ts. 教授Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor博士所说明的那样,UiTM的目标是成为一所全球知名的大学。

此次国际会议分为4个方向,自然科学、工程与技术、人文与社会科学、以及教育创新。这些轨道属于几个大趋势,将有助于塑造国家的数字化经济,以建立更有效和适合居住的城市环境。据会议顾问兼砂拉越UiTM校长拿督Jamil Haji Hamali教授介绍,本次会议的主要目的是让来自学术界和工业界的本地和国际与会者展示他们的权威知识和与防治疾病爆发的科学和社会方法有关的最新研究成果。


The conference organizing Chairperson cum Deputy Rector of UiTM Sarawak, Professor Dr. Firdaus Abdullah further highlighted welcoming the submission of papers related to innovative technology-driven solutions that cater to a diverse population with varying access to technology. This conference will help academia and scholars to adapt to the rising and social requests for knowledge expansion, innovation, and research proficiency according to the 4 tracks. The papers presented at this conference will shed some light on the issues and challenges as well as opportunities related to community development transformation and human sustainability.

This conference also offers concurrent event, namely Creative and Innovative Projects Presentation, to forecast and share the ideas or products related to any of the aforementioned tracks. “This event is just in time to introduce and explore emerging innovative ideas and technologies that will be beneficial to the development of sustainable living and smart cities in the state”, added by the Conference organizing co-chair, Professor Dr. Khong Heng Yen. The conference is open to all academicians, government and private agencies personnel, industry players and students of higher learning institutions and schools (individual or group). Several awards will be awarded such as Platinum Award, Inspiring Award, Gold, Silver and Bronze E-certificates.

The two-day international conference features keynote lectures by notable figures from both Malaysia and overseas. More than 80 papers will also be presented by international and local participants over several parallel sessions. Apart from that, there will be a virtual platform for those presenters who wish to present virtually. Therefore, this international conference will reshape the sustainability landscape and help shape the future of standard living.

会议组织主席兼砂拉越UiTM副校长Firdaus Abdullah教授进一步强调,欢迎大家提交与创新技术驱动的解决方案有关的论文,以满足不同人群对技术的不同需求。本次会议将帮助学术界和学者适应不断上升的社会要求,按照4个轨道进行知识扩展、创新和研究能力。在本次会议上发表的论文将阐明一些与社区发展转型和人类可持续发展有关的问题和挑战以及机遇。



Source: (UiTM Sarawak To Hold The 1st International Conference On Design For Sustainable Living (ICDeSL) 2021 – UiTM News Hub)