Memorandum of Agreement signing ceremony between ACEC Association and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM); ACEC与玛拉工艺大学签署合作协议

Thursday September 01, 2022

September 01, 2022

News Info

On 1st September 2022, ACEC Association and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) held a Memorandum of Agreement signing ceremony.

Universiti Teknologi MARA is the largest university with the largest number of students and the largest campus in Malaysia. There are more than 200,000 students and employees, 13 main campuses and 21 satellite campuses, with 163 master's programmes and 55 doctoral programmes.

Witnessed by all parties, Mr. Yang Chengcheng, Executive Regional Director of ACEC, and Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor, Vice-Chancellor of UiTM, formally signed the Memorandum of Agreement. The signing of this Memorandum of Agreement is an important measure for the two parties to jointly promote the comprehensive collaboration between China and Malaysia in production, education and research, establish overseas teaching centers, cultivate high-quality talents, and open up a new situation of win-win cooperation based on the new development stage.

ACEC Association and UiTM will further cooperate in a wide range of fields and have a high degree of cooperation consensus. This meeting will further deepen the business cooperation between the two parties, promote pragmatic cooperation in an all-around way, and establish a more efficient business linkage mechanism.


2022年9月1日,亚洲一带一路文化教育合作促进会(ACEC Association)与玛拉工艺大学(Universiti Teknologi MARA)举行合作协议签署仪式。

玛拉工艺大学是马来西亚规模最大、在校人数最多且校园最多的大学。现有在校学生与员工 超过20万人。学校共有 13 个主校区,21 个卫星校区,拥有硕士专业 163 个,PHD 博士专业 55 个。

在各方人员见证下,ACEC执行会长杨程成先生与玛拉工艺大学校长罗吉雅教授(Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Hajah Roziah Mohd Janor)正式签署合作协议。此次合作协议的签署是双方立足新发展阶段,携手推动中马产学研全面合作,联合设立海外教学中心,合作培养高质量人才,开拓合作共赢新局面的重要举措。
